Vortex Drilling has become part of Alamo1 Family!

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Vortex Drilling is the leading environmental drilling specialist in Texas, so we are proud to have them join our team. Vortex has spent years maximizing field production by providing our projects with experienced field crew, the strictest safety standards, and continual education programs for our staff. Vortex recognizes and pursues all job site performance practices.

Vortex Drilling and their staff of licensed drillers are certified/recognized in:

  • 8-Hour Hazardous Waste Operations
  • Emergency Response Refresher
  • 40-Hour Hazardous Materials Technical Level Training
  • Monitored Health and Safety Data
  • Medical monitoring
  • Level-One First Aid
  • Member: National Compliance Management Services
  • Member: ISNetworld
  • Defensive Driving
  • 10-Hour Construction Safety and Health
  • API Worksafe Program
  • Member: PICS Auditing
  • Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)
  • Member: DISA Contractor’s Consortium
  • Member: Texas Groundwater Association

As Vortex Drilling transitions to our team, we are committed to continue the same philosophy of service and integrity. Gary Leifeste will be our Alamo1 representative in the Drilling division. He’s eager to continue providing strong, lasting relationships in our industry and our community. We look forward to continued success as we welcome Vortex Drilling into the Alamo1 family!