Alamo1 Presenting at Oklahoma Safety & Health Conference
Our Dr. Scott Harris will be in Norman, OK on Thursday presenting at the 2017 Oklahoma Safety and Health Conference. This widely attended event is jointly hosted by the Oklahoma Safety Council, the Oklahoma Department of Labor (ODOL) and the American Society of Safety Engineers – Oklahoma City Chapter (ASSE).
Scott’s presentation is titled “Didn’t see that coming?” Attendees will get:
First-hand accounts of five unique and nationally significant “unforeseeable” emergencies and disasters ranging from Shuttle Columbia to Hurricane Katrina to Deepwater Horizon to a chlorine derailment. As usual, the why and how are made obvious by analysis and the clear vision of hindsight, but hundreds of lives, billions of dollars, million of gallons of oil and a lost Space Shuttle later, the real question to be answered is how did we not see these coming? This presentation will focus on the complexities of responding to large, chaotic events that were not supposed to happen and the failures of foresight, risk disqualification and lack of imagination that led to them.
Scott Harris Phd.